come hell or high water…

Adri’s twentieth question: Are you coping in this sand storm today?

14 November 2006

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Adri’s nineteenth question: How do you feel about going into night shoot again tonight?

13 November 2006

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stop & start

Adri’s eighteenth question: How did you manage such a complicated shot this morning?

11 November 2006

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Adri’s seventeenth question: I heard you screaming: ‘Left! Right!’ What was that about?

10 November 2006

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great crew

Adri’s sixteenth question: How do you find the crew?

9 November 2006

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Adri’s fifteenth question: I heard you changed some shots today?

8 November 2006

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nature of the industry

Adri’s fourteenth question: The weather forecast predicted 29 degrees today, how are you coping in this heat?

7 November 2006

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kids on set

Adri’s thirteenth question: How are the kids who you are working with?

6 November 2006

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the bird

Adri’s twelfth question: I heard yesterday was the first for the ostriches on set, how did it go?

4 November 2006

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keeping it up

Adri’s eleventh question: How is the atmosphere here today?

3 November 2006

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