whisper in the hurricane

For years I worked with very fine producers. But organizations became more and more bureaucratic. The managers and their assistants took over and demand us, the creators, to jump through their hoops. There is no more creative dialogue. That’s why I decided to start producing independently. Therefor my new moto is; whisper in the hurricane

This means that I now do (almost) everything myself. Like on my last film, THE TRAP, portrait of time. More about it very soon. I also just start my own podcast channel: SEA, with beautiful visual stories about the ocean. Audible on all the usual podcasts platforms. The trailer is already online.

AARDE My first story (in Dutch) is online, on all podcast platforms. A story about boat refugees. I will make six stories a year, so if you subscribe to the channel ZEE (Threes Anna) they will appear automatically. Or follow me on Instagram @threes_anna