unpredictable life

Life is unpredictable. I was in the middle of writing when the musician Thé Lau approached me to make a proposal for a video clip for his latest music. Normally I refuse all requests while working on a novel, but this one I couldn’t turn away. Thé Lau, who is a fantastic writer, musician and friend, has untreatable cancer.

Thé wrote a new music piece of 40 minutes about the fear of dying. It’s about one night in a hospital, when a man – because of his medication – starts to hallucinate. I’m extremely touched by this piece and very honoured to make it… if they grant us with a subsidy!

Because it’s always the money. Even in this case, when all cooperating artist and others help for free. On the side-line I’m still working on my novel, but to make a 40 minutes video-clip needs a lot of my brains.