the difference

Adri’s twentysecond question: I asked Leigh in which ways the making this film, in his experience, is different from the rest…

“This film is different because of the levels, the layers, the details and intricacies. Other films have issues, which seem very big in the beginning, like big stunts and big effects that we must schedule around. On this film we are scheduling around tiny little details such as feathers, blue shoes, flying flowers, flying letters, sand levels, wind levels, things which seem small, but having to work between these levels and layers is what makes it more difficult than any shoot I’ve ever done. Creating shots does not take time, it’s the dressing and dealing with the details. What also makes it different is that the focus is more on the characters and their situation than the story line, so it’s not hard to make the shots interesting. Because of the people in the story and what the’re doing, you can basically put the camera anywhere and make a really good shot. I have done about 26 features, but I have to say, this has been the most enjoyable.”

(Picture: Leigh Tanchell, 1st AD)